Formal notices about Coronavirus required - NOW!

The construction industry is fraught with land mines and tripwires with every step and every turn. Flooring contractors often take the brunt of these “explosions” because they are in the crossfire. As a finish trade, the GC has very little knowledge about the complexities of flooring products and their installation, combined with their acute knowledge on how to get a project open on time with relatively little regard for the casualties. For these and many more reasons the time to notify a GC about delayed work, labor, and even product is NOW…actually it was before now.

Whether the action you take is right or wrong, the outcome is often better than waiting.

The coronavirus is unnavigated water for all of us. But weather threats, activism (campus and government sites) are also targets for necessary notice. So quick action is almost always the best policy. Whether the action you take is right or wrong, the outcome is often better than waiting. So now is the time to send your formal letter of required delays to the GC and/or owner and let everyone be on notice. You may also want to take inventory of work that is not complete or even started and have letters prepared - just in case. Your mother was right, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

For more on this subject, check out this link from the National Law Review.